Where does my wool go?

It all depends on what type of wool you have! Most of the crossbred wool goes to China to be processed into a variety of garments and household items. Woollen socks are a common product of crossbred wool. As is carpet; where wool’s natural properties of durability, fire resistance, stain resistance, and warmth make it a great fibre for flooring. Merino, including 1/4 bred wool usually finds a home in the clothing industry from woollen coats, to thermal under garments to dresses! Some wool also ends up in very unusual places including….tennis balls at Wimbledon, F1 racing car seats, and face masks.

When my wool leaves my farm or property, what happens?

Once your wool arrives in store, it is given a unique Lot Number and entered in our system. Then if necessary it is sorted into lines, for example Fleece wool, Eye clip wool, Stained wool. The wool is put through the core tester, this machine does two things (1) takes a core sample, taken directly through the core (centre) of the bale and (2) grab sample, which can be taken from anywhere in the bale. The core sample is sent for testing to NZWTA in Napier, and a result is usually received within 2-3 working days. Once a test result is received the wool can then be put up for sale. Depending on your wool and your preferences wool may be sold on at auction or tender. After it is sold and payment received, a shipping (transport) document is sent and the wool rebranded for transportation. Some wool is sent directly to the buyer in its raw (greasy) form , while other wool is sent to the scour for cleaning.

Interesting articles, updates & links

NZ Campaign for Wool - for all things NZ wool related including the updates, resources and news articles.

Why wool is so good for you - health benefits of wool.